Summary of the Job and Entrepreneurship Fair “May Week with Work”


We have already finished the next edition of the Labor and Entrepreneurship Fair “Majówka z Pracy” organized by the Municipal Labor Office in Krakow and the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation of the Krakow City Hall at TAURON Arena Kraków. It was a very intense and effective day, full of positive emotions. The entire event began with the official opening, performed by Mr. Bogusław Kośmider, Deputy Mayor of Krakow for Resident Services, and Ms. Małgorzata Marcińska, President of the Management Board of Arena Kraków S.A. and Mr. Marek Cebulak, Director of the Municipal Labor Office in Krakow. At the same time, a panel discussion was held on the impact of high inflation on entrepreneurship and the labor market in Krakow. The guests invited to the discussion included Mr. Waldemar Jakubas – Deputy Director for the Labor Market from the Municipal Labor Office, Mr. Tomasz Dziubiński – employee of the Faculty of Management of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, academic teacher, certified business trainer and business advisor, and Mr. Wojciech Łaptaś – Deputy Director of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Department of the Krakow City Hall. The conference was hosted by editor Zbigniew Bartuś.


The workshop zone was very popular, where Krakow residents could learn how to create and manage projects, raise funds, create content and understand marketing in business. The workshops were complemented by numerous business consultations, as well as training in public speaking, company innovations and advice on employing foreigners. As in previous years, the Krakow City of Startups Foundation also conducted a business hackathon addressed to students of Krakow secondary schools.


Residents of Krakow could find very interesting job offers at this year’s exhibitors’ stands. In addition to the largest Krakow employers, medium and small companies and institutions supporting the improvement of professional qualifications were also present in the exhibition zone. Job seekers had an excellent opportunity to meet a potential new employer directly here.


There was a special entrepreneurship zone for employers and entrepreneurs, where representatives of the Social Insurance Institution, the Tax Office, the National Labor Inspectorate, the Krakow City Hall, and other business environment institutions were present. Here, Fair guests could obtain information and advice related to their business. In response to the great interest in employing foreigners, there were also positions of the Municipal Labor Office in Krakow and representatives of the Department for Foreigners of the Małopolska Voivodeship Office, where information was provided to those interested in legalizing the work and stay of foreigners in Poland.


We would like to thank all exhibitors, speakers and participants of the current edition of the Job and Entrepreneurship Fair in Krakow, and we invite you to the next edition of the event in October 2023!